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Selecting Roofing Materials for Your Garage Roof

By Annie Crawford

September 14, 2023

A large vintage retro detached two car cape cod blue style garage, with grey shingled roof, windows,

Looking for the best roofing materials for your outdoor office, shed, or garage roof? It's not just about curb appeal—although looks are important.

Learning about the materials to consider for your roof pitch can help you reduce the risk of roof leaks. You can also benefit by knowing when you need roof ventilation or drip edging, when to consider insulation, and how to calculate roof materials costs. Here are the key details to understand.

The Importance of Aesthetics

Visual consistency is crucial when it comes to curb appeal. You want garage roof materials that flow with your home's architectural style, building materials, and color palette. For example, if you have an ornate Tudor-style home with wood-look architectural asphalt shingles, choosing a green metal roof for your garage could be visually jarring.

When it comes to winning home aesthetics, consider:

Accounting for Roof Slope

How steep or flat is your roof? Knowing can save you time and money because different roof slopes call for different roofing materials. To calculate your garage roof slope, determine how many inches your roof rises vertically for every 12 inches it extends horizontally. For example, if your roof's vertical rise is 6 inches, your roof pitch is 6:12.

Materials for High-Pitch Roofs

Generally, any roof pitch over 3:12 is considered a high-pitch or steep-slope roof. Steeper pitches tend to allow water, snow, and debris to slough off more easily than lower-slope roofs. Here are some materials the International Building Code (IBC) approves for high-pitch roofs:

Metal Roof Panels or Shingles

Typically having high fire-resistance ratings and offered in a range of colors, metal roofs are sleek and simple. They can be made from galvanized steel, aluminum, copper, zinc, and stainless steel. This material is long-lasting but is high cost.

Clay or Concrete Tiles

These tiles are commonly associated with Mediterranean or Southwestern-style architecture. Tiles provide great wind, impact, and high fire resistance ratings but are a pricier option. You also need to verify your structure can support this material's weight.

Wood Shingles

Wood shingles are aesthetically pleasing—and often seen in New England-style and Shingle Style homes—but may have lower fire resistance ratings than other options. An alternative to wood shingles are asphalt shingles with a wood shake-look, like GAF Timberline® NS Shingles.

Slate Shingles

Often seen on Northeastern homes and in high-end modern design, slate shingles can provide high fire resistance ratings, durability, and offer good insulation. But slate roofs are heavy and have a high cost.

Asphalt Shingles

Versatile, affordable, and attractive, asphalt shingles are the most popular roofing material in the US. Offered in a range of prices, styles, and roof shingle colors, asphalt shingles provide high fire resistance ratings and are reliable as well as low maintenance. It's important to note that the IBC has special underlayment requirements for roof pitches of 3:12 or less.

Always read the material manufacturer's requirements and adhere to installation instructions. Additionally, always check local building codes before selecting your roof materials.

Materials for Low-Slope and Flat Roofs

Flat and low-slope roofs can range in pitch from ¼:12 to 3:12. Flat roofs aren't completely flat because some slope is required for water runoff. Roofs with lower slopes can be more prone to water and moisture pooling than steep-slope roofs, so adhere to installation requirements to help prevent leaks. IBC-approved materials for lower-slope roofs include:

Self-Adhesive Membranes

A streamlined and versatile option, these watertight roof covers help protect against the inevitable water pooling that occurs on lower-slope roofs. Options like the GAF LIBERTY™ SBS Self-Adhering Roofing System offer attractive and durable protection. For example, the granule-surfaced GAF LIBERTY™ System has a quick and clean installation process, and comes in seven colors that complement GAF shingle colors.

Asphalt Shingles

The IBC approves the use of asphalt shingles on roofs with a pitch under 2:12, but a special underlayment installation is required to meet the IBC code. Work with local building codes, manufacturer requirements, and professional guidance to ensure proper use and installation of shingles on lower-slope roofs.

Roll Roofing

A good option for smaller residential roof projects, quick-install products like GAF Mineral Guard Residential Roll Roofing (for pitches 2:12 or lesser) provide roof protection and convenience.

How Roof Ventilation Helps Protect Your Investment

Proper roof ventilation can help protect your garage or shed interior by allowing damaging heat and moisture to escape. Check out the most common attic ventilation solutions by roof style.

Use the handy GAF Attic Ventilation Calculator to get started.

Why Climate Matters for Your Roofing Materials

Consider your regional climate before selecting roofing materials. Keep in mind average temperatures, average rain and snowfall, average wind speeds throughout the year, amount of sunshine, and frequency and type of natural disasters like hurricanes.

For example, in high-wind and storm regions, a durable asphalt shingle like Timberline HDZ® (eligible for a 15-year WindProven Limited Wind Warranty** with no maximum wind speed limitation when installed with required combination of four qualifying GAF accesssories—or up to 110 mph wind coverage without special installation) is a solid choice.

The Role of Drip Edge

Roofing materials like drip edge and flashing help prolong the life of your building. Without drip edge, your garage roof is more prone to water damage, pest infestations, and ice dams. Roof flashing keeps water from sneaking into roof joints if you have a larger project. Remember these important elements when selecting your garage roof shingles.

When to Install Insulation

Roof insulation could save you money on energy bills* if you'll be heating or cooling your garage or shed. Plus, insulation helps keep internal temperatures comfortable, which is important if you're using the building as a workspace.

The Cost of Roof Garage Materials

Roof materials are typically priced by the square. In roofing, one square equals 10 by 10 feet, or 100 square feet. Learn how to measure a roofing square to help determine your project size and cost. Keep in mind that a roof for a smaller building roof will be less expensive than the average cost of a new roof for your whole home.

Follow these steps to help estimate cost:

  • Identify the best materials for your project based on the roof slope, aesthetics, etc.
  • Determine the amount and different types of materials you'll need based on your roof size. Don't forget ventilation products if needed!
  • Decide if you'll need professional help to safely and properly install your roof; if so, account for area labor costs.

Ready to get started on your new garage or shed roof today? Get reliable help from a GAF-Certified Roofing Contractor.

*Energy cost savings are not guaranteed.
**15-year WindProven™ limited wind warranty covers GAF Shingles with LayerLock® Technology only and requires the use of GAF Starter Strips, Roof Deck Protection, Ridge Cap Shingles, and Leak Barrier or Attic Ventilation. See GAF Roofing System Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions. Visit for qualifying GAF products. For installations not eligible for the WindProven Limited Wind Warranty, see GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions.

About the Author

Annie Crawford is a freelance writer in Oakland, CA, covering travel, style, and home improvement. Find more of her work at

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Roof Insulation: A Positive Investment to Reduce Total Carbon

Have you ever thought about building products reducing the carbon dioxide emissions caused by your building? When considered over their useful life, materials like insulation decrease total carbon emissions thanks to their performance benefits. Read on for an explanation of how this can work in your designs.What is Total Carbon?Total carbon captures the idea that the carbon impacts of buildings should be considered holistically across the building's entire life span and sometimes beyond. (In this context, "carbon" is shorthand for carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions.) Put simply, total carbon is calculated by adding a building's embodied carbon to its operational carbon.Total Carbon = Embodied Carbon + Operational CarbonWhat is Embodied Carbon?Embodied carbon is comprised of CO2 emissions from everything other than the operations phase of the building. This includes raw material supply, manufacturing, construction/installation, maintenance and repair, deconstruction/demolition, waste processing/disposal of building materials, and transport between each stage and the next. These embodied carbon phases are indicated by the gray CO2 clouds over the different sections of the life cycle in the image below.We often focus on "cradle-to-gate" embodied carbon because this is the simplest to calculate. "Cradle-to-gate" is the sum of carbon emissions from the energy consumed directly or indirectly to produce the construction materials used in a building. The "cradle to gate" approach neglects the remainder of the embodied carbon captured in the broader "cradle to grave" assessment, a more comprehensive view of a building's embodied carbon footprint.What is Operational Carbon?Operational carbon, on the other hand, is generated by energy used during a building's occupancy stage, by heating, cooling, and lighting systems; equipment and appliances; and other critical functions. This is the red CO2 cloud in the life-cycle graphic. It is larger than the gray CO2 clouds because, in most buildings, operational carbon is the largest contributor to total carbon.What is Carbon Dioxide Equivalent (CO2e)?Often, you will see the term CO2e used. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), "CO2e is simply the combination of the pollutants that contribute to climate change adjusted using their global warming potential." In other words, it is a way to translate the effect of pollutants (e.g. methane, nitrous oxide) into the equivalent volume of CO2 that would have the same effect on the atmosphere.Today and the FutureToday, carbon from building operations (72%) is a much larger challenge than that from construction materials' embodied carbon (28%) (Architecture 2030, 2019). Projections into 2050 anticipate the operations/embodied carbon split will be closer to 50/50, but this hinges on building designs and renovations between now and 2050 making progress on improving building operations.Why Insulation?Insulation, and specifically continuous insulation on low-slope roofs, is especially relevant to the carbon discussion because, according to the Embodied Carbon 101: Envelope presentation by the Boston Society for Architecture: Insulation occupies the unique position at the intersection of embodied and operational carbon emissions for a building. Insulation is the only building material that directly offsets operational emissions. It can be said to pay back its embodied carbon debt with avoided emissions during the building's lifetime.A Thought Experiment on Reducing Total CarbonTo make progress on reducing the total carbon impact of buildings, it is best to start with the largest piece of today's pie, operational carbon. Within the range of choices made during building design and construction, not all selections have the same effect on operational carbon.When making decisions about carbon and energy reduction strategies, think about the problem as an "investment" rather than a "discretionary expense." Discretionary expenses are easier to reduce or eliminate by simply consuming less. In the example below, imagine you are flying to visit your client's building. Consider this a "discretionary expense." The input on the far left is a given number of kilograms of carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) generated for the flight, from the manufacturing of the airplane, to the fuel it burns, to its maintenance. The output is the flight itself, which creates CO2 emissions, but no durable good. In this case, the only CO2 reduction strategy you can make is to make fewer or shorter flights, perhaps by consolidating visits, employing a local designer of record, or visiting the building virtually whenever possible. Now consider the wallpaper you might specify for your client's building. It involves a discretionary expenditure of CO2e, in this case, used to produce a durable good. However, this durable good is a product without use-phase benefits. In other words, it cannot help to save energy during the operational phase of the building. It has other aesthetic and durability benefits, but no operational benefits to offset the CO2 emissions generated to create it. Your choices here are expanded over the previous example of an airplane flight. You can limit CO2 by choosing a product with a long useful life. You can also apply the three Rs: reduce the quantity of new product used, reuse existing material when possible, and recycle product scraps at installation and the rest at the end of its lifespan. In the final step in our thought experiment, consider the insulation in your client's building. As before, we must generate a certain amount of CO2e to create a durable good. In this case, it's one with use-phase benefits. Insulation can reduce operational energy by reducing heat flow through the building enclosure, reducing the need to burn fuel or use electricity to heat and cool the building. The good news is that, in addition to the other strategies considered for the flight and the wallpaper, here you can also maximize operational carbon savings to offset the initial embodied carbon input. And, unlike the discretionary nature of some flights and the often optional decision to use furnishings like wallpaper, heating and cooling are necessary for the functioning of almost all occupied buildings.Based on this example, you can consider building products with operational benefits, like insulation, as an "investment." It is appropriate to look at improving the building enclosure and understanding what the return on the investment is from a carbon perspective. As the comparison above demonstrates, if you have a limited supply of carbon to "invest", putting it into more roof insulation is a very smart move compared to "spending" it on a discretionary flight or on a product without use-phase carbon benefits, such as wallpaper.This means we should be careful not to measure products like insulation that save CO2e in the building use-phase savings only by their embodied carbon use, but by their total carbon profile. So, how do we calculate this?Putting It to the TestWe were curious to know just how much operational carbon roof insulation could save relative to the initial investment of embodied carbon required to include it in a building. To understand this, we modeled the US Department of Energy's (DOE) Standalone Retail Prototype Building located in Climate Zone 4A to comply with ASHRAE 90.1-2019 energy requirements. We took the insulation product's embodied energy and carbon data from the Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association's (PIMA) industry-wide environmental product declaration (EPD).To significantly reduce operational carbon, the largest carbon challenge facing buildings today, the returns on the investment of our building design strategies need to be consistent over time. This is where passive design strategies like building enclosure improvements really shine. They have much longer service lives than, for example, finish materials, leading to sustained returns.Specifically, we looked here at how our example building's roof insulation impacted both embodied and operational carbon and energy use. To do this, we calculated the cumulative carbon savings over the 75-year life of our model building. In our example, we assumed R-30 insulation installed at the outset, increased every 20 years by R-10, when the roof membrane is periodically replaced.In our analysis, the embodied CO2e associated with installing R-30 (shown by the brown curve in years -1 to 1), the embodied carbon of the additional R-10 of insulation added every 20 years (too small to show up in the graph), and the embodied carbon represented by end-of-life disposal (also too small to show up) are all taken into account. About five months after the building becomes operational, the embodied carbon investment of the roof insulation is dwarfed by the operational savings it provides. The initial and supplemental roof insulation ultimately saves a net of 705 metric tons of carbon over the life of the building.If you want to see more examples like the one above, check out PIMA's study, conducted by the consulting firm ICF. The research group looked at several DOE building prototypes across a range of climate zones, calculating how much carbon, energy, and money can be saved when roof insulation is upgraded from an existing baseline to current code compliance. Their results can be found here. Justin Koscher of PIMA also highlighted these savings, conveniently sorted by climate zone and building type, here.Support for Carbon Investment DecisionsSo how can you make sure you address both operational and embodied carbon when making "carbon investment" decisions? We've prepared a handy chart to help.First, when looking at lower-embodied-carbon substitutions for higher-embodied-carbon building materials or systems (moving from the upper-left red quadrant to the lower-left yellow quadrant in the chart), ensure that the alternatives you are considering have equivalent performance attributes in terms of resilience and longevity. If an alternative material or system has lower initial embodied carbon, but doesn't perform as well or last as long as the specified product, then it may not be a good carbon investment. Another consideration here is whether or not the embodied carbon of the alternative is released as emissions (i.e. as part of its raw material supply or manufacturing, or "cradle to gate" stages), or if it remains in the product throughout its useful life. In other words, can the alternative item be considered a carbon sink? If so, using it may be a good strategy.Next, determine if the alternative product or system can provide operational carbon savings, even if it has high embodied energy (upper-right yellow quadrant). If the alternative has positive operational carbon impacts over a long period, don't sacrifice operational carbon savings for the sake of avoiding an initial embodied product carbon investment when justified for strategic reasons.Last, if a product has high operational carbon savings and relatively low embodied carbon (lower-right green quadrant), include more of this product in your designs. The polyiso roof insulation in our example above fits into this category. You can utilize these carbon savings to offset the carbon use in other areas of the design, like aesthetic finishes, where the decision to use the product may be discretionary but desired.When designing buildings, we need to consider the whole picture, looking at building products' embodied carbon as a potential investment yielding improved operational and performance outcomes. Our design choices and product selection can have a significant impact on total carbon targets for the buildings we envision, build, and operate.Click these links to learn more about GAF's and Siplast's insulation solutions. Please also visit our design professional and architect resources page for guide specifications, details, innovative green building materials, continuing education, and expert guidance.We presented the findings in this blog in a presentation called "Carbon and Energy Impacts of Roof Insulation: The Whole[-Life] Story" given at the BEST6 Conference on March 19, 2024 in Austin, Texas.References:Architecture 2030. (2019). New Buildings: Embodied Carbon. Carbon Leadership Forum. (2023, April 2). 1 - Embodied Carbon 101.

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September 13, 2024

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Your Home

Missing Shingles on Your Roof? Here's What to Do

If you notice missing shingles on your roof, there's no need to panic. Missing shingles aren't an emergency, but you should still act quickly, especially during wet seasons. Your roof is a multilayered system designed to protect your home's structure and finishes from water damage.If you ignore missing shingles, moisture can get into your home, leading to issues such as rot, mold, and costly water damage. Replacing missing shingles quickly can mean the difference between a minor roof repair and a total roof replacement.So, here's how to spot missing shingles and hire a roofer to replace them.How to Spot Missing ShinglesLocating missing shingles, before leaks set in, can save you time, money, and peace of mind. Here are several ways to spot them before they cause bigger issues.Inspect Your Roof from the GroundScope your roof with binoculars for signs of missing shingles. Inspecting your roof from the ground helps prevent shingle damage from walking on the roof and, most importantly, fall-related injuries. Scan your roof from every angle that it's safe to do so, including from streets, sidewalks, and neighbors' yards if you have permission to do so.Check for Shingle ChangesSystematically check each shingle following a horizontal or vertical line. A missing shingle often sticks out as a color change in your shingle pattern. While you're at it, look for shingles that are cracked, curled, or sagging or that aren't aligned with the others. These can all be signs of shingle or roof damage.Review Your Roof for Damage after StormsRoof damage often happens as a result of extreme weather. Once it's safe to be outdoors, visually inspect your roof for damage. You can also survey the ground around your property to spot any shingles that may have blown off.Look Inside Your Home for LeaksCheck inside your home for longer-term signs of missing shingles. Evidence of leaks in your attic or water stains on your interior ceilings or walls can indicate wider-spread water damage in your home. If you notice anything out of the ordinary, have a roofing professional inspect the area (both inside and outside) for damage.Schedule a Professional Roof InspectionThe National Roofing Contractors Association recommends professional-level roof inspections twice a year—once in the spring and once in the fall. Like routine car maintenance keeps repair costs down, roof inspections can help spot small concerns before they potentially become expensive problems.How to Hire a RooferOnce you spot missing shingles on your roof, the next step is hiring a professional to replace them. Create a list of questions before you call around, so you can find a reliable roofing company that won't cut corners.If you have warranties, you may also want to check whether or not those have any requirements. For example, all GAF roofing shingles and qualifying accessories (the "GAF Products") come with the coverage provided by the GAF Shingle & Accessory Limited Warranty,** and you don't need to do anything at all to get it.How to Prepare for Roofing RepairsThough every contractor is different, confirm certain details before signing any contracts. Here's how you can ensure you and your contractor are on the same page before work begins:Communicate clearly from the start; this will help prevent frustration and unexpected costs.Before making a deposit, be sure you both agree on the quote and job details.Agree on the job's start date, plus a contingency plan if bad weather forces a rain check. Ask your roofer if they'll install a temporary tarp to prevent water damage in the case of a delay.Read your quote carefully. Confirm approximate labor costs and the color, style, and brand of shingles that will be installed.Ask about anticipated material quantities and estimated roofing material costs (like flashing, roofing nails, etc.).Confirm whether the repair job includes cleanup costs and if the roofer will remove any debris.When to Consider a Roof ReplacementLook at the big picture before replacing missing shingles. Consider your roof's age, any warranties on your roof system, the extent of the roof damage (both internally and externally), and whether the missing shingles are an isolated issue. Multiple missing shingles or frequent repairs could be a sign that you need a new roof.Ready to schedule a professional roof inspection? Contact a GAF-certified roofing contractor* to get started.*Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.* *GAF Accessory Products covered under this limited warranty include: GAF Ridge Cap Shingles, GAF Starter Strip Shingles, GAF Leak Barrier Products, GAF Roof Deck Protection Products, and GAF Attic Ventilation Products. For a complete list of qualifying GAF products visit This limited warranty does not cover low-slope membranes. See for a copy of the limited warranties covering those products.

By Authors Annie Crawford

September 10, 2024

Contractor on a roof install with workers
Your Home

What to Look for When Finding a Contractor

Your roof is a long-term investment that helps protect your family, may improve your home's resale value, and crowns your home's aesthetic so finding a contractor that is qualified is very important. To help you choose a roofing contractor with confidence, here are three qualities to look for.1. Professional Experience and ReputationBefore you hire, do your research. Choose a company based on experience and reputation—not just price. If you decide on price alone, you may not be making the best choice.RecommendationsWord-of-mouth from trusted sources is a great starting place. Ask neighbors, friends, and online community forums for referrals.ResearchVisit the company's website to determine the products and services it offers—as well as the number of years it's been in business. Then, verify the company is licensed and insured.ReviewsNext, read reviews from multiple online platforms to learn about customer experiences. Resources could include Google Reviews, Yelp, Better Business Bureau, and the company's social media pages. While searching, look for info such as ease of interactions, professionalism during installation, cleanup after project completion, and overall satisfaction with the outcome.2. CertificationsFinding a contractor certified by a manufacturer typically indicates that a contractor has met the certification requirements of the manufacturer. For example, contractors certified by GAF must be insured and licensed in states where they operate (if required). GAF also considers factors such as years of roofing experience, credit rating and overall standing with the Better Business Bureau.Higher tiers of certification may be allowed to offer better enhanced warranties on qualifying roofing systems. For example GAF Master Elite® Contractors are entrusted to offer the GAF Golden Pledge Limited Warranty* on qualifying roofing systems, which provides up to 30 years of misapplication coverage.VerificationVerify contractor certifications whenever possible. For example, the GAF website lets you verify whether a company is certified by GAF by simply entering their phone number or contractor ID.AwardsIn addition to certifications, select contractors may also qualify for manufacturer awards. For example, the highest distinction a GAF Master Elite® contractor can earn is the GAF's President's Club Award. This award indicates that a contractor has demonstrated commitment to installing GAF roofing systems backed by GAF's strongest warranties and dedication to learning about GAF's products and services.3. Operational ApproachAfter identifying several contractors, consider these talking points when interviewing the contractors:ExperienceAsk the contractor whether it has experience installing roofs on the type of roof architecture you have.AvailabilityWhen do you need the project to start, and when can the company actually do the installation? If your roofing needs are urgent (leaks, damage, etc.), make sure they can perform the work in the timeframe you are looking for.EstimateAsk the contractor to provide you with an estimate. As a preliminary step, try using GAF's estimate tool. However, keep in mind that the estimate provided by the tool is non-binding and contractors will provide their own estimates. Review actual estimates from contractors closely to understand what is included. The cheapest option is not always the best. Consider experience, and reputation, too.Payment OptionsAsk your contractor about payment options, including payment and financing options to make sure you choose the best option for you.Starting Your SearchPrioritizing these qualities when looking for a contractor may help you find the right company for the job.Are you ready for a new roof? Find a GAF certified roofing contractor** today.*See GAF Golden Pledge Limited Warranty for complete coverage and restrictions.**Contractors enrolled in GAF certification programs are not employees or agents of GAF, and GAF does not control or otherwise supervise these independent businesses. Contractors may receive benefits, such as loyalty rewards points and discounts on marketing tools from GAF for participating in the program and offering GAF enhanced warranties, which require the use of a minimum amount of GAF products. Your dealings with a Contractor, and any services they provide to you, are subject to the GAF Contractor Terms of Use.

By Authors Annie Crawford

August 20, 2024

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